Monday, October 26, 2009

Father's Open Day

This Saturday was Father's Open Day where all the dads came in to see what their kids have been learning so far. I was hoping that I would get some dads who spoke decent english and I would have been able to gotten to know them better, but that wasn't the case. Unfortunately, I got dads that weren't very good at english and looked at me like I was from a different planet everytime I opened my mouth. Luckily my korean co-teacher was there to translate. It still made things akward because they didn't seem to have much fun playing the games we were playing. None of them seemed to interact with their kids throughout the whole day either. Most of the kids were extra wound up as well because I am sure they knew it was a special day, but it was hard to discipline them infront of their dads! Either way, I am glad the day was over. It was too fake and stressful for me. Afterwards, 2 of my coworkers and I went out for lunch. We had pork belly...I know I know it sounds gross but it is really good! They serve it with lettuce and this red pepper paste and all together it is very good!

This Friday we are celebrating Halloween. I am really excited because the kids LOVE the idea of Halloween even though they really don't celebrate it here. So it has just been fun to teach them about vampires, haunted houses, mummies and just the idea of going trick or treating! Today I taught them what a mummy was and how a mummy walked and they started walking around the class room like a mummy. This Friday the school is giving the English teachers the responsibility of creating the whole Halloween day for the kids. We plan on playing a lot of games and they all are coming in dressed up. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find places that sell adult halloween costumes. If all else fails I plan to dress up as an actual kindergartener. Most of the kids here dress up in these adorable outfits with hello kitty outfits and hair in piggy tails. I know I could probably throw something like that together.

Love and miss you all!

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