Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Pepero Day!

Today is November, 11th. I came in to the school with everyone telling me "Happy Pepero Day!". Come to find out, Pepero day is a little similar to valentines day but not to that extreme. Pepero is a thin stick cookie usually covered or filled with chocolate. The pepero sticks are given to resemble the date 11/11. The day is centered around the exchanging and eating of these Pepero sticks with as many family, boyfriends, girlfriends, and acquaintances who are willing to accept your offering. Peperos Day is usually celebrated by younger children and young couples. I have been bombarded with tons of peperos today in honor of today. I thought there would be a deeper meaning to the Peperos sticks but looks like just another holiday made to sell a product. Either way, my tummy and I enjoyed the little holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,
    Andrew use to love Pepero sticks - he would get them at Heritage Camp!

    Will you be celebrating Thanksgiving in Korea? I know your Dad will be missing you!

    I'll be in touch soon as we are finalizing our service trip to Korea in April, 2010. Hope all is well!
